How to cancel Instagram send follow requests? – Find and remove pending Instagram requests with safe and secure !


      Many are sending a lot of request from their Instagram account to increase their followers. But no one is aware about it will affect their Instagram account after few days.

How to cancel pending requests? 

 – Go to your Instagram account

–  Open settings 

–  Security 

– Access Data (Data and History)

(It will take some time to load and will open Account Data)

– Scroll down and see the title of Connection

– Now you will found the title of ” Current follow request”

– Click “View more”

– Select that all user names [Note: Don’t click select all, just select all the user names one by one)

– After select that all user names, copy that.

– Then open word document/ Notes/WhatsApp chat, past that all user names

– Now select one user name, cut that, then and paste to your Instagram search

– After searching, it will show that Instagram id with Requested, you can cancel that request easily

– Do this one by one user names

[Note: If you use multiple Instagram accounts on the same device, aware within which account you will copy user names and cancel requests ]

Why do I prefer this method?

    This is the only safe and secured method to cancel Instagram pending follow requests. And many easy ways also there but that’s not 100% secure to your Instagram account.