How to check Real or Fake Company, Company Details and Status? – In India

      Nowadays maximum people search for jobs online only. Due to covid, many companies provide work from home opportunities. And the same time that type of company conduct interviews also online only. So many fake companies use this option, Many youngsters lose their valuable time, work, money from this type of fake company. So before applying for a job, search for that company status and details. 

       Here given a few useful steps to check company status and details.

MCA Website 

      MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) website is one best site to check company details and find real or fake. This is the official central Government website, here you can search all Indian company details.

  • Go to the official MCA site ( Link Below)
  • Select MCA Services
  • Go to company service and click “Check Company Name
  • Now type company name at search bar ( Company/LLP Name)
  • Now you can get details about that company 
(In case any popup shows please check correct spelling or that company is fully fake, Not registered from Government. For conformation use another one step Below mentioned)

  • Go to “Master Data” on the same site 
  • Select view company LLP/Master data
  • Now enter Company’s CIN/FCRN/LLPIN/FLLPIN pin
  • If you don’t know this pin, just search Google and get that easily
  • Now you can get whole details about that company
