How to secure your Instagram account? Two-Factor Authentication

      Instagram is one most used social media nowadays. And also Instagram introduced more advanced features in recent days. So many users now spend more time on Instagram. So we need security for our privacy. 

     Here listing few tips for secure your personal Instagram account.

Account Privacy 

     If you are a public figure, this option does not use for you. But if you need more privacy your Instagram posts and story put your Instagram account in private mode. 

  • Go to settings
  • Select privacy
  • Turn on private account on the account privacy section 

Two-Factor Authentication

     The two-Factor Authentication option will help you be more secure. No one accesses your Instagram account without OTP Verification
  • Go to settings 
  • Select security
  • Click Two-Factor Authentication on login security
  • Here you can enable OTP verification from SMS Or WhatsApp
  • And then go to Additional methods turn on the Login request
  • Below that go to Backup codes note that code
  • Next, go to trusted devices(Below that additional method), there check login devices  
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