How to solve issues in Zoom meeting ?

What is Zoom?

       Zoom is one of the famous platforms for conference meetings online. Nowadays, particularly in this COVID period, this platform takes a large part in the world. This zoom is available on mobile and desktop sites.

Android Link: Click here to download

PC Link: Click here to go website

(PC users Directly access with Zoom website)

How to use zoom meeting?

Mobile Users:

  1. Download zoom application Directly Play store/App store
  2. If you new user, Sign up with your mail id and create a password (Password must include CAPS, SMALL Letters, One number, One special Character For Example – Password1@)

How to join zoom Meeting?

  1. If you have Meeting Link, You will directly redirect to the zoom app, In case you do not have a Link, You have only a Meeting ID and Password, then you go to the zoom app, Click join the meeting and Enter the meeting Id and  Password.

How to host a Zoom meeting? or How to create a zoom meeting room?

  1. After Sing up or log in, Meeting will happen now click Host meeting or the Meeting will happen later like after one hour or tomorrow, in that time click Schedule meeting.
(PC users also do the same steps to zoom website)


  1. Zoom allows only 40 minutes to meet
  2. If you are a new user to host zoom meetings, They give unlimited timing to 1st two meetings.

Zoom Technical issues :

  • Network issues
  • Voice lagging
  • Reconnecting
  • Automatically Meeting closed  
These are basically most of the users faced issues and problems in zoom Applications.

Solution :

How to solve zoom meeting issues?

  • Check your mobile network speed (Check to set), PC users check Wi-Fi or Hotspot network speed.
  • Mobile users must have at least 100kb/s net speed to run Zoom without any issues and PC users need a minimum 400Kb/s net speed.
  • Or you are located in a poor network connectivity place, You can call customer care and complaint about network issues, they will help you surely to increase network speed.
  • And Before open the zoom app, please turn off background running applications, It also helps you to zoom application network issues.
  • Turn off your video for 5 minutes once, It also helps you.

Health issues:

           If you use the zoom application continuedly (Not only zoom, Google meet, Microsoft meet, or others) It makes eye problems, back pain, and headache.

The solution to health issues: 

How to solve Eye problem : 

  1. Don’t use with high brightness, Please use zoom meeting with low brightness.
  2. If you have a break, that time close your ice for 20 seconds, and after that look and focus on one thing for 20 – 40 Seconds.
  3. Do every day morning and evening meditation for at least 10 minutes.
  4. These save your eye power

How to solve Headache: 

  1. If you use Zoom meeting continually, Surely you are facing some problems automatically headache also comes, So please don’t more stress, Take it everything easy! we are born to the world to live with happily.
  2. Any problem or faced any irritating incident in your life, forget that and move to think about how to solve that issue.