Instagram Selfie video verification – Fake account identification

      Most people use Instagram for various purposes. At the same time, Instagram also introduces a lot of features and updates. Maximum entrepreneurs and business people are promoting their business using Instagram. 

     But same time many people are using illegal activities via Instagram. They do that illegal activity with create fake profiles. And many people create fake accounts using celebrities’ photos.

     So Instagram updates its new policy to find fake accounts.

Instagram Fake account identification

     If any users do illegal activities on Instagram, Then it automatically closes your account and notifies you for verification. This verification will find fake accounts.

Instagram video verification

     Instagram video verification means if your account does any illegal activities, Instagram asks you for selfie video verification. You can show your face on a selfie camera and Rotate four sides ( Leaf and Right, Up and Down). If you are not processing this action for 30 days, 8nstagram block your Account.